When considering publications, the editorial board is guided by international standards, advice and resources on all aspects of publishing ethics in accordance with the requirements of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), as well as the current regulatory documents on standardization in the field of publishing of Ukraine, which provide recommendations on best practice in conducting and reporting medical research. In case of detection of violations of publishing ethics in the published material, please send a message to the e-mail address of the editorial office of the journal "Medicni Perspektivi":
In its publishing activities, the editorial board adheres to high standards, like our publishing house - Dnipro State Medical University, and strives to ensure that the research published in the journal "Medicni Perspektivi" is consistent with the principles, which include:
- high quality of the research performed;
- transparency and open communication;
- honesty in all aspects of the research;
- respect for all participants and subjects of research, etc.
The editorial board of the Journal maintains editorial independence and strives to prevent violations of these principles due to corporate, financial, political influence, as well as due to conflicts of interest or any other factor. We do not discriminate against authors, editors or reviewers on the basis of personal characteristics, their nationality, religion, academic rank or position, social status, etc. Articles submitted by authors for publication are initially reviewed by the editorial board members, who also consult with the respective editors from the editorial board members, which include leading scientists from our and other countries (Ukraine, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, France, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, etc.). If the manuscript is in compliance with the profile and principles of the journal, it is sent to at least two external and independent reviewers. Peer review is critical to upholding the principles of the journal “Medicni Perspektivi”. We recommend that our editors and reviewers adhere to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for peer reviewers. The peer reviewers' ratings are used by editors to decide whether to recommend publication in the Journal or not. Also, editors can request additional reviews or additional information from the authors of the article. The editor-in-chief and the editorial board make the final decision on accepting the article for publication in the presence of a positive review or refusal solely on the basis of:
- its relevance and compliance with modern medical advances;
- originality;
- clarity of presentation;
- correspondence of the content of the article to the topic stated in the title, adequacy of the purpose, results and conclusions (conclusion);
- compliance of the article with the profile of the journal;
- corrections of the weaknesses of the article and additions indicated by the reviewer, which must be made by the author and agreed with the reviewer;
- execution of the article according to the rules for authors.
Authors who disagree with the refusal of the article can appeal if they so desire. The appeal must contain strong arguments and convincing evidence to refute the criticism. Re-acceptance of the article for consideration does not guarantee its publication in the journal "Medicni Perspektivi". Re-revision of the manuscript can be performed by previous or new reviewers, editors of the Journal. Appeals, complaints can be sent to the editorial board office by e-mail:
The editors of the journal "Medicni Perspektivi" believe that the author of the manuscript should: make a significant contribution to the concept and design of his scientific work, collect data, analyze and interpret data, write an article, critically evaluate his/her work for relevance and modernity in relation to the latest achievements and relevant problems of medicine, approval of the final version of the article to be published, and refrain from inappropriate scientific behavior or fraudulent research. Publications that draw conclusions based on fabricated data can harm society and health research. Before you start writing an article, you must also agree on the order of authorship. When submitting an edited manuscript, the order of authorship cannot be changed without any reason. In case of revision of the order of authorship, the written consent of all authors is required. Editors recommend that authors list anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship in the Acknowledgments section of their publication to acknowledge the contribution of anyone who has provided research or research assistance. The author for correspondence acts as the primary contact for any editorial inquiries, as well as after the publication of the article. Editors ask the respective author to confirm in writing that he/she has the right to act on behalf of all co-authors in all matters relating to the publication of the manuscript. The author for correspondence is responsible for informing co-authors about the stage of manuscript processing in the process of its submission, review and publication. Authorship disputes are resolved in accordance with the requirements of COPE, WAME and ICMJE. The editors of the Journal strive to integrate with established and emerging industry standards to increase transparency of authorship (eg, ORCID citation).
In order to comply with the requirements for the quality of a scientific publication, the editors carry out a number of measures to prevent plagiarism, duplication of provided materials or self-plagiarism among published materials. Plagiarism is the use of someone else's ideas, words, data or other materials passed off as your own, without indicating the source of borrowing. Duplicate publication, or “self-plagiarism,” occurs when a work or substantial parts of a work are published more than once by the author of the work without appropriate citation or justification for duplication. It can be in the same or different languages. However, posting a preprint on the author's personal website, institutional repository, or preprint archive is not considered a duplicate publication. To detect duplication of submitted materials in other publications and possible plagiarism, all manuscripts submitted to our journal are checked by the licensed StrikePlagiarism.com system. Proven duplication of the article, plagiarism or falsification of the results is grounds to reject the article, with the obligatory observance of the COPE recommendations (https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.4). The editorial board of the Journal expects that our readers, reviewers and editors will report any assumption of plagiarism by contacting us at our email address:
Research involving humans or animals must be approved by the relevant ethics committees and must comply with international ethical and legal research standards. When describing clinical experiments on patients, their right to confidentiality and privacy should not be violated without their consent. If the article contains any information that allows identifying the patient's identity (photo, name, initials, numbers of medical records in photographs or in the text, etc.), it is necessary that the patient gives informed written consent to this for publication before sending the article to the editor. The article must clearly indicate the compliance of the materials with the principles of bioethics set out in the WMA Declaration of Helsinki – “Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects”, “Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights” (UNESCO), Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “On Approval of the Procedure for Clinical Trials of Medicines and Expertise of Materials of Clinical Trials and Model Regulations on the Ethics Commission” No. 690 of 23.09.2009. When describing experiments on animals, it should be indicated whether the conditions for keeping and using laboratory animals met the rules set forth in the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Animals from Cruelty" No. 3447-IV dated 21.02.2006, the Law of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure for Carrying Out Experiments on Animals "No. 249 of 03.01.2012, “European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (ETS 123)”, (1986), “Directive 2010/63/EU of the European parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes as amended by Regulation” or other similar documents of other states.
When submitting an article, authors must declare to the editors about any potential conflicts of interest that may affect the objectivity or integrity of the publication, or clearly declare their absence (for more details, see the section "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals", ICMJE, COPE). Conflicts of interest are situations that could be perceived as having an inappropriate influence on the presentation, peer review, or publication of a scientific work. They can be financial, non-financial, professional, contractual, or personal in nature. Editors expect that anyone who suspects an undisclosed conflict of interest in relation to an article published or being under consideration by the editorial board of the Journal will notify us by e-mail.
The editors of “Medicni Perspektivi” consider refutations, corrections to a scientific article, retracts of the article according to recommendations COPE “Retraction Guidelines”. The editorial staff of the journal may make minor corrections to the text of the article, in which typing mistakes occurred during typing or correction, but more significant corrections will be made only in accordance with the COPE recommendations. If it is discovered that the author has made a mistake, then the correction is published in the journal "Medicni Perspektivi". The possibility of retracting a published article is considered if:
- the scientific article contains serious weaknesses and there is clear evidence that the results are unreliable, either as a result of a serious error (miscalculation or experimental error) or as a result of falsification (data, image manipulation) and their conclusions or conclusions cannot be relied upon;
- plagiarism;
- the results were previously published elsewhere without proper citation, permission to reprint or justification (cases of republishing);
- a scientific article contains materials or data without permission to use;
- copyright has been violated or there is another serious legal problem (libel, confidentiality);
- the use of unethical research has been proven;
- the scientific article was published based on a falsified peer-review process;
- the author (s) did not disclose an existing conflict of interest that could affect the interpretation of the scientific work or the recommendations of editors and reviewers.
The retract of a published scientific article occurs after a thorough study of the problem and approval by the editor-in-chief, the article is retracted with the publication of a notice of retract in the issue of the journal "Medicni Perspektivi", as well as in all online versions of the journal. The notice of retract is published in the public domain as soon as possible to minimize its harmful effects, indicating the reason and all the metadata of the article.
The editors of the journal "Medicni Perspektivi" consider the retract of an article not advisable in the case of:
- the author reported a conflict of interest to the editorial office after publication, but, according to our decision, the conflict of interest did not affect the interpretation, recommendations or conclusions of the article.
- authorship is disputed, but there is no reason to doubt the reliability of the results;
- correcting an error in the article can sufficiently eliminate the problem and the main results of the work remain reliable, and the conclusions are effective;
- there is no convincing evidence to support the refutation.
Editors are committed to following COPE's principles of transparency and best practice in scientific publishing. The editorial board of the journal "Medicni Perspektivi" practices a policy of open access to published material, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and exchange of knowledge for global social progress. By sending an article to the editorial office of the journal "Medicni Perspektivi", the authors agree that the rights to protect and use the manuscript are transferred to the editorial board (including such objects of copyright that are protected - photos, drawings, diagrams, tables, etc.). for reproduction on the pages of the journal, on the Internet, for distribution, for translation into other languages, export and import of copies of the journal with the author's article for the purpose of distribution without limitation of their validity both on the territory of Ukraine and all countries of the world without restrictions. These and other conditions of mutual obligations of the author (and all co-authors separately) and the editorial board are enshrined in a written agreement on the transfer of copyright to use the article in a special form, a sample of which is given in the rules for authors. The author's contract is drawn up by the author and sent to the editorial office simultaneously with the manuscript.